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Posted on 16th November 2010.

16 November 2010

Building up to Christmas

I love Christmas, FACT. I love everything about it, the anticipation, the tv, the shopping, the cooking – surely it has to be the very best time of the year. And why do I love it? because my mom and dad always strived to make it perfect, that time of year when we all came together, indulged a little bit and had a few days inbetween christmas and new year when we are allowed to do absolutely nothing but be together and eat turkey – at home.


I couldn’t contemplate Christmas anywhere other than home. Think of all the Christmas eve’s you have shared over the years, the early starts and excited faces on christmas mornings, the lounge carpet hidden under layers of paper and the settee that can only just accommodate a lounging family stuffed from Christmas dinner. It’s a time to be together, grandchildren and grandparents – party hats slightly off kilt and sharing one of those super size tins o f chocolates. Utopian vision? Maybe. I am a busy working mom with 2 children and aging parents pulled this way and that , but I know xmas is the one time of year I want all of my family to be in the same place. Forget the playstation, ask yourself what it is that really makes the time so special?

So fast forward thirty or forty years, where would you want to be at Christmas? No longer the life and soul of the party you might be suffering with some memory loss, struggle getting about and needing some help with some of your personal care. Realistically you could well be sitting in an residential home, albeit very comfortable, but eating with a group of relative strangers with only a small bedroom to call your own and perhaps a few photos to remind you of the days when life was different. Waiting for that visit you have been looking forward to for the last 4 days because your family are all grown up now and working and fit you in between their hectic schedules.

Or – you could be sat infront of the fire at home, slippers and television on with a small glass of your favourite tipple by your side. Your family are popping in some time later with all the grandkids in tow for some proper quality time and catch up. Your daughter doesn’t need to worry about if you are eating and feeling ok because you have someone now that looks after you all of the time. Your carer does all the things you expect, you are clean , fed and have taken all the medicines at the right time, but she represents much much more than that. Your live in carer allows you to stay at home and be with your family at Christmas, laugh with your daughter rather than wrack her with guilt. Your live in carer lets you indulge in those so very precious memories of what its like to love, laugh and give and be loved as a parent, not a burden – at home.

So where would you rather be at Christmas ?

Whilst many care providers pull back and struggle with cover over the Christmas period Helping Hands is large enough and experienced enough to be able to support new families all the way up to and during Christmas and beyond.

Our advisory team is available now on 0808 180 9488.

Sally Tomkotowicz
About Sally