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Posted on 24th June 2016.

We would like to reassure all carers and colleagues of Helping Hands, that the results of the EU referendum will have no immediate impact or change to their employment or the continuity or quality of service we deliver.

The terms of Britain’s exit from the EU will take a minimum of two years to unwind and some commentators are suggesting 10 years.


Britain has been an important trading nation for many hundreds of years and whilst it remains unclear what impact there will be on the freedom of movement of workers to Britain the hope is that in the coming negotiations it is acknowledged that having a suitably qualified social care workforce is acknowledged and catered for.

We stand by and celebrate the diversity of our workforce and commit to updating and supporting any of those with concerns as we learn more over the coming days and months. In the meantime it’s care as usual as we continue to deliver and build a much needed homecare service for this and the next generation.

Below is the media statement from our Professional body the United Kingdom Homecare Association:

Media Release – 24 June 2016

United Kingdom Homecare Association Ltd

UKHCA response to the EU referendum

Following the declaration of the UK’s referendum on exit from the European Union (24 June 2016), Mike Padgham, Chair of the United Kingdom Homecare Association said:

“No matter how people voted in the referendum, it is crucial that we work together to shape the future of a nation which moves forward in a positive and constructive way.

“For those of us engaged in social care, the well being of older and disabled people will be paramount, along with an economy which enables independent and voluntary sector businesses to flourish.

“Following yesterday’s vote, the legal position in the UK has not immediately changed. Laws which stem from the European Union, including human rights law and significant parts of employment legislation, will remain in force, unless the UK Government makes alternative provision.

“The ability of the social care sector to recruit and retain an effective workforce is of particular concern. The contribution of every care worker matters and the ability for employers to recruit non-British EU citizens as part of the social care workforce, will be particularly important for many homecare providers. It is an issue over which UKHCA will be fully engaged.

“It is essential that properly resourced social care and health services are not side-lined in Government’s plans for transition from the EU in the coming two years. UKHCA will continue to make the strongest case people who use and provide homecare services.”

Sally Tomkotowicz
About Sally