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Random Acts of Kindness

February marked the start of Random Acts of Kindness Week – a week where we all take some time to celebrate the little things that people do without asking for anything in return. It could be something as simple as holding a door open or helping someone with their shopping. At Helping Hands, our carers show these acts of kindness each and every day, sometimes doing something that isn’t technically in the job description.

Though all of our carers are trained to assist with everything from moving & handling to personal care, what sets them apart is their natural desire to care and bring a smile to the person they are supporting. This is where listening and understanding, as well as empathy, are all hugely important.

Our carers go the extra mile to fully understand what makes their customer unique. Whether this is something specific that they enjoy doing or having a favourite meal, paying particular attention to these small details often make the biggest difference. Even going for a cup of coffee or arranging a day out can help a person’s confidence and a lot of the time can make their day.

Even when they are not technically working, carers can still make a difference in someone else’s life. One of our carers, Jessie Norris, recently showed that she was committed to helping others after she found an elderly lady who had fallen just outside their house in Bromley during the freezing weather. As Jessie was training to be a nurse, she immediately went to the lady’s aid and kept her warm with a blanket. The lady had experienced severe injuries due to the fall, so Jessie instantly contacted the emergency services as well as the lady’s family, all of whom were on the scene in just fifteen minutes. The lady received medical attention in hospital, and Jessie carried on to her next placement.

Tim Lee, our CEO, commented “I was delighted to hear from the daughter of the lady Jessie assisted after she fell on the driveway outside her home in Orpington, who told me her mum was very grateful to Jessie for the support and reassurance she gave her whilst waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Receiving such positive feedback really does make us proud to have Jessie as one of our employees.”Stories like this are always special for us. Not only can a random act of kindness bring a little happiness into another person’s life, but it can also bring great health benefits as well. Studies suggest that kindness can improve self-esteem, prevent depression and anxiety, and could even reduce blood pressure.

You don’t have to do anything special to show kindness; simply listening to someone or asking them how they are doing will go a long way to helping someone having a difficult day. This is something that all of our carers take great pleasure in doing – they love nothing more than to make sure the person they are supporting is completely comfortable and has someone that they can rely on.

You could brighten someone else’s day just by being you. If you are the sort of person who goes the extra mile for your friends and family, a career as a carer could suit you perfectly.

You can find out more about being a carer here or by contacting our Recruitment Team on 0808 278 6675 or email us at

Contact us today to find out more information about our home care services.
