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Meet Baroness Ilora Finlay Consultant in Palliative Medicine at Velindre Cancer Centre and Honorary Professor of Palliative Medicine, Cardiff University

About Me

Consultant in Palliative Medicine at Velindre Cancer Centre and Honorary Professor of Palliative Medicine, Cardiff University.  Established the Marie Curie Hospice in 1987 and the Diploma/MSc in Palliative Medicine in 1989; lead for Palliative Care in Wales 2008-2017 and developed wider bereavement support.

Career Pathway

Regarded as the first Consultant in Palliative Medicine in Wales in 1987, Ilora has played a leading role in the ongoing development of palliative and hospice services across Wales.

She was a member of the ‘Expert Advisory Committee’ on Cancers to the Chief Medical Officers of England and Wales, working to produce the ‘Calman Hine’ report in 1995. Ilora currently chairs the implementation board for the palliative care strategy across Wales.

Since her elevation to a Peerage in 2001, Baroness Finlay has actively been involved in debates on a number of health issues, particularly those relating to Health and Tobacco.

Research & Expertise

  • She is President of the Chartered Society for Physiotherapy, President of Attend; Vice President of Hospice UK and of Marie Curie Care. Past-President of BMA, RSM and Association for Palliative Medicine.
  • Elected member of BMA Ethics Committee and Bevan Commissioner in Wales.
  • Chairs the National Mental Capacity Forum (England and Wales) for Ministry of Justice since 2015.
  • Became a life-Peer in 2001 in the House of Lords; a Deputy Speaker since 2018.
  • Previously member of various House of Lords Select Committee inquiries in Science and Technology, Allergy, the Built Environment and the Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill.
  • Vice Chair of various All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPG)
  • Founder of think-tank Living and Dying Well 2010.
  • Chair of Alcohol Harms Commission 2019-present report ‘Its Everywhere’ 2020