
Isolation activities with your carer

The Covid-19 outbreak has had a huge impact on people all around the world and many people have found themselves self-isolating at home. The UK Government has advised that all vulnerable people, i.e. those over the age of 70 or with an existing medical condition, should remain in their homes for at least 12 weeks to shield themselves from the virus. Being stuck at home may not be ideal, but there are plenty of ways to continue leading an active and enjoyable lifestyle, even when you can’t go outside. Here are some fun isolation activities you can do with your carer to fight boredom and loneliness while self-isolating during Covid-19.

Watch films and TV shows

Watching films and TV shows can be a great way to pass the time when you’re stuck at home. It will also give you a much-needed break from the news and help take your mind off the virus and the uncertainty. You and your carer can relax on the sofa and watch classic movies, catch up on TV programmes, or start an exciting new series. There are various streaming platforms, such as Netflix and Amazon, offering a fantastic range of films and TV shows that you can view at home for a small monthly fee. You can also choose to stream media onto your smart device and view it on your mobile phone or iPad.

Play board games

Playing board games is another fun activity to beat boredom while you’re self-isolating. Along with the entertainment value, they have been shown to improve memory and cognitive function. Playing a board game is also more social and engaging than passively watching TV, which makes it a great activity for elderly people and their carers. Some of the most popular board games include Scrabble, Monopoly, Cluedo, and Battleship.

Try a new indoor hobby

There is a huge variety of indoor activities that you can try with your carer while you are self-isolating. For instance, completing jigsaw puzzles is a fun activity that you can do together, or you can start a crafts project and try drawing, painting or designing a vision board. Other indoor hobbies to try include sewing, knitting and crossword puzzles.

You should use this time at home to experiment with different hobbies – you may find something you really enjoy that you have never tried before!

Do home exercise

Exercise is essential to your health and everyone should try to remain active while in isolation. Not only will regular exercise help keep you fit, but it will also improve your mood and mental wellbeing while you’re unable to go out.

Many fitness professionals have been releasing home exercise videos to help people stay healthy and fit during Covid-19. There is a fantastic selection of short exercise classes that have been designed for the elderly, with videos available to suit all fitness levels and abilities. The NHS recommends that those over the age of 65 should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week. Exercising with your carer is a great way to make keeping fit fun, and they will help you stick with your fitness routine.

Read a book

Reading is a fun activity that can enhance your vocabulary and develop your writing skills. You can find books in a huge variety of genres including romance, adventures, thrillers and mystery novels. These can be brought in paperback versions or downloaded onto a reading device like a Kindle. You can visit forums like to find recommendations on the best books to read. You and your carer could try reading aloud to one another, or both read the same book and then discuss it once you have finished. You could also join an online book club to discuss books, authors etc. with other members of the group. This is also a great way to make new friends, get recommendations, and discuss your opinions.

Final thoughts

We understand that these are difficult times and many people feel frustrated about being confined in their homes due to the Covid-19 outbreak. However, you must remember that these measures have been brought in to protect the vulnerable and save lives. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to stay active and keep yourself entertained through these difficult times. If you or a loved one is experiencing loneliness or boredom during self-isolation, then contact our friendly team of carers on 0808 278 2589 to discuss how we can help.
