Knee and hip replacement aftercare
Knee and hip surgery aftercare at home
We’re here to ease your recovery post-op, supporting you in the comfort of your home.
With the right level of specialist care, everyone should be able to recuperate in their own home in the weeks and months after knee surgery or a hip operation. After all, it’s the environment we feel most comfortable in, with everything at hand and the people we love close by to help with a smooth recovery.
Our nurse-led team helps make this possible by giving you the right level of support, whether that’s from a trusted visiting carer or dedicated assistance from a live-in carer. We can also provide respite care or emergency care as and when required.

Benefits of home care after knee or hip surgery
With the support of one of our trained and experienced carers, we can help you or your loved one experience a smoother recovery after a hip or knee operation. This is especially important in the first few challenging days.
As well as being there to help your recovery after surgery, a Helping Hands carer is also able to offer practical support around the home, as well as being a friendly face throughout the week.
A home carer can support you with:
Physio and rehab
Carers can assist with Physiotherapy sessions and other rehabilitation activities
Running errands
Get a bit of extra help with errands such as collecting prescriptions and food shopping
Mobility support
Dedicated mobility assistance can help with getting out of bed and adapting your home
Personal care
Support with bathing and dressing, plus discreet and dignified continence care
Preparing meals
Your carer can prepare your favourite meals, snacks and drinks at the times that suit you
Household chores
A carer can assist around the house with vacuuming, washing clothes, ironing, and much more
Whether it’s a chat over a cup of tea, joining you on day trips or even going on holiday with you
All of our carers are fully trained to organise and help administer medication at the right times
What are the options for aftercare?
Some of our customers arrange support for the first few challenging days after an operation. Others prefer assistance on an ongoing basis until they’re fully back on their feet
Whatever your preference, our home care options are completely flexible. We find that all of our customers have unique situations and so we tailor home care to each and every one of them. Our most popular support services include:
Live-in care
Live-in care provides you with a full-time carer who lives in your home, for just a few days or until you’re back on your feet. Your carer will be there 24/7 to support you with everything from meal prep to getting into bed.
Visiting care
With visiting care, you’ll have a carer who visits little or often, when you need the extra support. You can choose set times throughout the week to receive care so that you’re being supported at all the key moments.
Respite or emergency care
If your usual carer needs a break or has let you down, respite care offers you the chance to receive support on a short-term basis. Similarly, we also offer emergency care, which can normally be provided within 24 hours of your call.
Elderly care
Our carers can tailor their support to focus more in the specific challenges faced by elderly people after undergoing surgery – whether that’s mobility assistance, specific nursing support or friendly companionship
Amazing carers, offering expert care in your home
At Helping Hands, we’re extremely proud of our exceptional carers who truly are the very best in the industry. All of our carers are given our award-winning training at our regional training centres when they start with us, which equips them to provide dedicated support to people requiring mobility support and physio-based rehabilitation.

We're pleased to say that our carers are:
Expertly trained and fully vetted
Every carer is fully DBS-checked and receives expert training which equips them to provide a wide range of dedicated mobility support services
Kind and compassionate
At Helping Hands, we have a rigorous recruitment process which means we only hire kind, empathetic carers who share our person-centred family values
Directly employed by us
We directly employ all of our carers, so we take full responsibility for managing their workload, maintaining their well-being and paying them
How to arrange care after your operation

Speak to our team
Call our friendly team to discuss your options and ask any questions you may have
Free home care assessment
Your local Helping Hands manager will visit you to discuss your care requirements
Find your carer
We’ll match you with a carer who has the experience and skillset for your needs
Fully regulated by the CQC / CIW
Here at Helping Hands, our post-op support is fully managed and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
From your very first phone call to our friendly team, every aspect of your home care service is independently monitored and regulated by the CQC and Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).
What is the significance of being regulated?
What does regulation mean?
Our service is regularly monitored, inspected and regulated by an independent body
Why do we choose to be regulated?
We want every customer to have full peace of mind that their care is approved by a regulating body
How does regulation affect my care?
Our regulation means that we’ll provide you with high quality care, no matter what
Page reviewed by Rebecca Bennett, Regional Clinical Lead, on November 30, 2021.