Home Care vs Care Home
Understanding Home Care Services
Care at home from Helping Hands gives you the specialist support you need but in the comfort of your own home. One-to-one support is only available at home. It’s impractical to expect care home staff to be able to provide such personalised care as they have so many people to take care of. We provide care at home on both a visiting and live-in care basis, which means you get to choose the service that’s right for you and have your package of care designed around your needs and wants. You may think your only option is to move into residential support but that’s simply not the case; thousands of people receive care in their own homes every single day from Helping Hands.

Exploring the Benefits of Home Care
Our amazing carers are carefully selected, impeccably trained and fully experienced. We choose people from all walks of life to join us, but they all have one thing in common – the desire to care for others. They will be able to undertake your housework, laundry, meal preparation, mobility support, personal care and so much more. Crucially, they will also be a welcome source of companionship, especially if you choose live-in care.
What is Home Care?
Home care differs from any other type of care in that it takes place in the comfort, safety, and security of your own home. Many people presume that if they eventually need additional support to undertake their daily routine, they will have no option but to move into a residential, nursing, or care home; however, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Home care can be utilised if you are living with age-related frailties, a life-limiting condition, after a hospital stay or for more complex reasons. Everyone who welcomes a carer into their home will have a different reason for doing so, and the care that we deliver is personalised to your exact needs.

Comparing Home Care and Care Home Options
One-to-one care
Care at home will always allow for one-to-one, person-centred care, something that care home staffing levels are just not able to provide. Your carer will be focussed on you while they’re in your home, and will ensure that you get to live your best life possible in the surroundings you love. This can be especially beneficial for people living with dementia.
Carer matched to you
We’ll work hard to make sure you and your live-in carer have things in common and that you’ll get along well when they’re in your home with you. They’ll soon become the friend you didn’t know you needed in your life! Once they’ve completed their tasks, they’ll be looking forward to sitting down with you for a cuppa and a chat.
You may be surprised to see how comparable the cost of home care is to that of a care home. When you take into account all of the things that you can’t measure in monetary terms, such as remaining in the place you love with family, pets, precious memories, and mementoes of a life well-lived, home care becomes very affordable.
Your care at home will be accompanied by a support plan that will detail exactly how you like your daily routine to progress. We believe that you deserve to live the way you want to and we’ll do all we can to make that happen for you. Your care will be designed around you and will be flexible enough to change whenever your needs or preferences do.
The benefits of home care
By remaining in your own home for your care you really do get the best of both worlds. You receive expert support tailored to your particular condition while remaining living in the place that means everything to you. Your carers will be dedicated to providing you the care and support you need to live as well as possible, whether your physical or mental abilities are affected. Care at home is particularly suitable for a couple who both need support, as this can work out significantly cheaper than having to pay for two people in a care home. Care Home agrees, saying, “It may be the case for you that live-in care works out cheaper than both of you moving into your preferred care home.” For instance, live-in care with Helping Hands currently costs from £1,650 for a single person, but from £1,650 per week for a couple.