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Posted on 10th November 2015.

Gordon’s Harry Potter photo shoot

Helping Hands customer Gordon had a magical experience taking part in his very own Harry Potter photo shoot.

Gordon loved casting spells from his book of magic, and was very excited to have a photograph with Hedwig. “It’s great,” he says. “Harry Potter, magic spells. It’s good.”

Gordon, a proud Gryffindor, looks fearless in the face of his creepy castle surroundings as he and his Helping Hands personal assistant, Mark enjoy a day out that was better than a Firebolt as far as Gordon is concerned. He came away with so many spellbinding snaps that he found it very difficult to choose which ones he liked best to print. Gordon’s favourite has taken pride of place in the dining room.

“The day was all about Gordon being Harry Potter,” says Mark. “He loves the clever special effects and the lightning coming from his wand. I’m glad I could be there to make the difference for him – we had great fun and Gordon was in charge all day long – he’s watched the films so many times so he knew exactly what we wanted to see.”

“Gordon had a brilliant day. He loves dressing up – every year for Halloween he goes as Harry Potter!” adds Carol, Gordon’s mum.

As we enter the festive season we’re reflecting on a year that has been all about empowerment and outcomes that truly are bespoke to our customers. What a great example Gordon and Mark have shared with us.

If you’d like to find out more about independent living with the support of a Helping Hands assistant please contact the customer service team on 0808 180 2277.

Sally Tomkotowicz
About Sally