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Posted on 1st April 2014.

01 April 2014

A record number of attendees packed into the Parish Centre in Shottery, Stratford-upon-Avon on Saturday to learn first hand from a local award winning care provider some insight and tips into effective dementia care at home. The event, one of a series by Helping Hands was hosted by our Dementia Personality of The Year & Helping Hands Dementia Specialist, Jayne Vale and took the families that attended through some of the science as well as some hands on training activities. The session then allowed for individuals to share experiences and raise specific issues directly with the Helping Hands dementia care team.
Commenting on the day Sharon Baker from Stratford upon Avon said, “The day has made a huge difference in my understanding of dementia care, I am now hoping my family will feel better about the possibility of keeping mom at home for longer.”
CEO of Helping Hands, Tim Lee said, “As a member of the Dementia Action Alliance, Helping Hands is committed to improving the quality of lives of those living with and touched by dementia. These events are part of this commitment at community level and together with our outstanding team of professional Carers allow us to share our 25 years worth of care experience to families desperate for more information and help.”
The Stratford –upon-Avon homecare team is offering support across the whole of Warwickshire, with services ranging from 30 minutes housekeeping calls, help with shopping, companionship and personal care to dog walking all the way through to Live-in Care, complex care and palliative care.
For more information on further events or services please call 0808 180 9488 or visit Helping Hands
Sally Tomkotowicz
About Sally