Dementia and End of Life Care at Home

Our Services
When you’ve been diagnosed with dementia you’re probably thinking about the future and how you and your loved ones will adjust, however there’s no reason to think that your life is over. Many people live well with dementia for years after diagnosis, however it is a very individualised condition and everyone’s experiences will be different.
As your dementia journey progresses, you and your loved ones will need to make adjustments so that you can continue living well. One of those adjustments will be who will assist you with your daily routine. While your family will no doubt do all they can, having a professional caregiver come into your home will take pressure from them and ensure you can all focus on spending quality time together while your carer manages your daily routine. Helping Hands are the UK’s most trusted home care provider, with experience delivering exceptional dementia care since 1989, and with visiting and live-in care services fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission and the Care Inspectorate Wales, you know you’ll be in the very best hands.

Benefits of Dementia and End of Life Care at Home
Remaining in your own home for the end of your life means you get to stay where you’ve always wanted to be. People choose care at home because they don’t want to leave the place that means everything to them and move into residential accommodation. Dying well is an important part of living well, and for many people, that means getting to continue living – and dying – in the home they love.
Key Areas of Dementia and End of Life Care at Home
Dementia end-of-life care at home will be designed around you and how you would like your last days to progress. While taking care of all the practical aspects of your care, your caregivers will also ensure your complete holistic needs are protected, meaning your emotional and spiritual beliefs will also be promoted. Your carer will ensure that your dignity is always at the forefront of all of your care and that your loved ones are managing emotionally, too.
Why Choose Helping Hands?
End-of-life care is given in the last days and weeks of your life, designed to keep you as comfortable and pain-free as possible. Our carers will work seamlessly alongside your wider healthcare team to make sure your return home from hospital or hospice is handled smoothly, or that you continue to live in the home you love as your condition deteriorates. We focus entirely on making sure you can pass away with dignity, in the place you’re content and with loved ones and pets surrounding you.
We understand how emotional this time is for you all, and we want to make the care process as seamless as possible, so you and your loved ones can focus on spending precious moments together. Let us consider the practical aspects so that you can all make the most of the time you have left.

How Much Does The Care Cost?
We personally design all of our customers’ packages of care, taking their own routines into account. This is why we also devise you a personalised quote when we assess your needs because we don’t have a ‘one size fits all’ price we can deliver. However, we also understand that at such an emotive time, it’s important that you and your loved ones have some idea of the costs involved in care at home. Consequently, the following will hopefully give you an idea of what our prices begin at:
Visiting Care
Visiting care can be delivered from an hour a week up to several times a day or overnight. Prices begin from £31.00 per hour, plus a callout charge of £4.50 per visit. Visiting care gives you flexibility without having someone living in your home, perfect if you have limited space or don’t need someone there around the clock.
Live-in Care
Live-in care is a comprehensive care service that costs from £1,650 per week for an individual or from £1,650 per week for a couple. Live-in care will see your holistic needs being fully taken care of as your carer will be in your home day and night to offer practical and emotional support.
Respite Care
If you only require short-term care for a few days, live-in respite care costs from £275 per day. Short-term care may be necessary because your family are undertaking most of your care or because your regular carer needs a break. You may also only need us temporarily because you’re being discharged from hospital for your last few days.
How to Arrange Dementia and End of Life Care at Home
If you are looking for care at home towards the end of your life, then contacting Helping Hands, either online, over the phone, or in-branch, will enable us to support you from the first moment you talk to us. You can find your closest branch here. We have 150 branches across England and Wales, which means we’re bound to have one near you. You can also call us or request a callback, and we’ll handle everything for you.
How Do Dementia and End of Life Care Combine?
Dementia care is carried out from as early as you need it. For some people, that’s before – or soon after – diagnosis, but other people manage independently for longer. Dementia is an individualised condition which means that everyone’s experience is different, even if they’re living with the same type of dementia as other people.
What is Managed With Dementia Care?
Dementia care from Helping hands can include as much practical and emotional support a you need, as well as essential companionship. Whether it’s managing your medication, keeping you comfortable, or providing essential companionship, we can undertake every aspect of your daily routine on a visiting or live-in care basis.
Who Needs End of Life Care?
When you’re living with a life-limiting condition, you and your loved ones will want to plan for the eventual so that you can make your own wishes known and be confident that they’ll be taken care of. We support people living with dementia, cancer, Motor Neurone Disease and other conditions through to the end of their lives.