If you’re living with age-related frailties or just finding it more difficult to conduct your daily routine you’d benefit from assisted living home care in Cardiff. Our caregivers can support your physical and emotional wellbeing on a visiting or live-in care basis, whether that’s through housework help, personal care, or supporting you outside of your home. And because all of our support is fully regulated by the Care Inspectorate Wales, you and your loved ones will be in the very best hands.
Our caregivers will provide all of the physical support you require but they’ll also focus on helping you emotionally, especially if you’re adjusting to life on your own. Having someone there to chat to over a cuppa is just as valuable as having your housework undertaken, and that’s where the compassionate natures of our carers really come to the fore. That’s no accident though, as we select and train them carefully to build on their existing skills and experience.
Assisted living at home is a higher level of support then you’d get in a sheltered housing scheme for instance, as you’ll receive one-to-one support on your terms, and the bonus is you get to remain living in the home you love. You may be considering leaving the home you love due to the stairs, for instance, but why go to the expense, or the physical and emotional upheaval? Receiving care at home instead means you’ll still be fully supported but also be in familiar and comforting surroundings.
It’s hard to compare the true cost of receiving care at home because of all the benefits that can’t be measured in monetary terms. These include remaining with loved ones, having pets nearby, and being surrounded by a lifetime of possessions and memories.
We’ll also provide you with a personalised quote after we’ve got to know your requirements, but as a rough guide our care starts at the following:
Visiting Care
Visiting care prices begin from £31.00 per hour, plus a callout charge of £4.50. This can also depend on your location and the level of care you require.
Live-in Care
Live-in care in Cardiff costs begin at £1,650 per week for an individual or £1,650 for a couple, making it even more cost-effective for two people.
Chat to our friendly customer care team about your care requirements in and around Cardiff, or pop into your nearby branch. We’ll be happy to help you with all your questions and explain your options.