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Posted on 23rd June 2014.

One of the issues identified in the End of Life Care Strategy relates to the lack of personal choice in death.

Specifically, it states that many people do not to die in the place they would choose to. Further to this, it reports that many people do not receive quality care at the end of their lives and are often not treated with dignity and respect.

Quality palliative care at home

Part of Helping Hands’ mission is to ensure that people have complete control, choice and dignity at every stage of life. Our palliative care services form part of this commitment and help people to remain in the comfort of their own homes with the right support in place.

By working with families and Continuing Healthcare (CHC) teams, Helping Hands regularly helps people to remain at home with their loved ones and to die with dignity. We achieve this by providing customers with support from experienced care management teams and Live-in Carers. Live-in Carers provide dedicated one-to-one care at home and are trained to manage complex physical and emotional care needs.

To find out more about palliative care at home, you can contact a member of our dedicated home care team. Call today for a rapid response on 0808 180 9455.

Sally Tomkotowicz
About Sally