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Supported Living in Bury

4.8 on
3,450+ reviews
High quality care in Bury from Helping Hands

For people who are living with physical, emotional, or mental health difficulties, supported living home care in Bury may make all the difference to their everyday life. Being able to remain living in the home they love, or finally be able to move into their own house can boost confidence and mean the difference between remaining independent or not. Whether existing health conditions are mild or complex, everyone deserves to live with as much independence as possible, and that’s what Helping Hands have always strived to achieve since we were established in 1989. We can come into your home on either a visiting or live-in basis to ensure that you live as well as possible, and because our services are fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission or Care Inspectorate Wales, you and your loved ones will always be reassured by our extremely high standards.

Opening hours
Monday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Sunday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Suite 33
Europa House
Barcroft street

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When to choose supported living

If you’ve been worrying that you’ll need to relocate to a residential home because you’re not managing at home, Helping Hands can support you to remain in the place you love. Whether your abilities are compromised by illness or injury, are mild or complex, we can be with you for a short time each day or around the clock day and night. You might be supported by family at the moment but really keen to get your own place, and with our support assistants on hand whenever you need them, you’ll get to continue your life’s journey as planned.

Expert care services tailored to your needs

Our exceptional care services mean you can hold down your job, spend quality time with the family, or study and enjoy university, without missing out on the experiences that matter. Our carers and support assistants will help you to enjoy the local community again, accompanying you to appointments and activities that give you a change of scene and let family take a break. Domestic tasks are also handled effortlessly by our care assistants because they’ll understand your condition and the best way you want to be helped. They’ll never take over and make you feel your life isn’t your own, but will gently encourage you to do as much as you can yourself, therefore remaining independent and in control of your own situation. Some of the tasks they’ll undertake include housework, medication and mobility support, preparing meals, and personal care, and because your package of care will have been designed just for you, it’ll be flexible enough to change as your needs do.

Qualified carers providing supported living in Bury

We only choose the very best people to join us as Helping Hands carers, carefully checking their references and most importantly making sure they have natural qualities of compassion and kindness. After all, we can train them with all the practical skills they’ll need to deliver competent care to our customers, however, to make our service delivery truly outstanding we need people who really care from the heart about others. That’s something we can’t train someone on – they either naturally care about others or they don’t – it’s as simple as that. Therefore, we spend a large amount of time sifting through applicants and screening backgrounds so we end up only accepting a small amount of people who apply to join us; that way we can ensure the quality remains high and they’re delivering only the very best support.

Contact us for our variety of care options

Our friendly customer service advisors are available seven days a week to talk you through your options across the whole of the Bury area. They can answer your questions and arrange an appointment with the local branch team, the details of which you can find here.