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Palliative Care in Essex

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What Essex Palliative Care Services are available?

Palliative care is the journey that you begin on when you are living with a life-limiting or terminal illness. It doesn’t however mean you are going to die soon. Palliative care is the acknowledgement that the condition or illness you’re living with won’t be ‘cured’ in the traditional sense, however you’ll still receive treatments and therapies that may well ensure you live a comfortable and pain-free life for many years to come. If you are looking for care and support in the Essex region and you’re embarking on your palliative care journey you should consider Helping Hands for your palliative care needs. Our caring and compassionate home care in Essex team support many of our customers with varying conditions to ensure they get to live the most comfortable and enjoyable life possible, within the home they love and with the people and pets they adore.

End of Life Care Options in Essex

When your palliative care journey has gone much farther, which will take a different amount of time for everyone, it may be mutually decided that you’ve received as much treatment as you want or need to, and you may be moving towards the end of your life. This is the final stage of the palliative care journey and is usually considered to be the last few weeks or days. Our carers have supported so many customers right along their care journey and will support you, your family and loved ones both physically and emotionally until your life is coming to its end. Having the same small team of carers from the Essex branch nearest you can be so comforting for both you and your loved ones, as it means you’ll get to know each other well and they will really be invested in you and your care journey.

Why Choose our Essex Palliative Care Team?

Our carers, managers and support staff in Essex all have the same values and goals in mind when it comes to your care, which is to ensure that your independence is promoted as much as possible and you are cared for to the very highest standards at all times. Receiving palliative care at home is such a positive experience for both your physical and emotional wellbeing, because you get to remain in familiar surroundings, with precious people, pets and possessions around you that represent everything you’ve enjoyed in your life and have constantly wanted nearby.

Our fully managed service of both visiting and live-in care in Essex will promote your dignity and independence at all times, and our team of clinical nurses will supervise your care if you’re living with complex or clinical requirements. They can also specially train your carer to care for your exact needs. This ensures quality of life, meaning you’ll be happy and comfortable, as well as you and your family being supported to cope with the changes that you’re experiencing. Thanks to our 30 years of homecare experience we’ll know how to support you expertly, and because we’re fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission and Care Inspectorate Wales, you can be totally confident in our standards of care delivery.

How to Arrange Palliative Care in Essex

If you would like to learn more about palliative care for you or a loved one in your own home then call us seven days a week to discover how we could be supporting you. Alternatively, contact us via our website and we’ll be happy to call you back.