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Respite care in Richmond

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Respite care in Richmond

Respite care is a great option for when your needs are not ongoing. If you need to take a break from looking after your loved one, or if you’ve run in to some unforeseen circumstances we can provide care for as little as one day up to four weeks if your needs are not continual.

Opening hours
Monday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Sunday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Helping Hands Richmond,
5 Duke Street,

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How can respite care support me if I am a carer?

Caring for a loved one is often a full-time job and can be physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding; especially when you have other family or work commitments to worry about. You may feel as your loved one’s carer that you cannot take time for yourself, this can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being.

If you are needing to take a well-deserved break, or have other commitments for a short while respite care can be the perfect solution to give you the freedom and flexibility that you need. You can have visiting care from our Richmond carers for as little as one day, or twenty-four-hour live-in care for a minimum of three days, meaning there is really no circumstance that our services can not accommodate.

Respite care provides primary carers with temporary relief from their caregiving duties. This allows caregivers the opportunity to invest in self-care, relax, go away on holiday, or spend quality time with other family members and friends, all while knowing that their loved on is being properly taken care of while they’re away. Taking advantage of the expert respite care services that are available is a great way for carers to take some time to focus on their own needs.

When can respite care be a good option?

Respite care can also be arranged at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances, or if you know that you will just be needing care short term. It’s a great option when:

Hospital discharge – It can be hard to adapt to life back at home following a stay in hospital, and you may feel that you could do with a bit of extra support whilst you’re recovering.
• Illness – If you’re suffering an illness or are recuperating after a spell of being unwell you might want some help to keep you safe and looked after. Illnesses can wipe your energy levels, and leave you feeling a little worse for wear meaning that every day jobs can become more difficult to complete. Respite care can help you while you’re on the mend, and enable you to stay at home.
• Holidays – If your ongoing carer is going away for a break, you could arrange for a Helping Hands carer to cover their absence. Similarly if you are going away and would like a carer to support you on your holiday, you can have a live-in carer travel with you for the duration, or have visiting support from one of our branches.

There are lots of times when you could be needing care on a temporary basis. Our team in Richmond will be happy to support you with your care needs, no matter how short-term they might be.

Friendly, qualified carers in Richmond

We understand that handing over care responsibilities of a loved one can seem daunting. However, you can rest safe in the knowledge that we have been delivering great quality care since 1989, and that all of our carers go through our award-winning training programme.

All of our carers are selected following a rigorous recruitment and vetting process and are trained in either our Centre of Excellence in Alcester, or in one of our visiting care branches, overseen by our registered branch manager and local nursing and medical staff. Our training covers every key aspect of the Care Certificate, recognised by the CQC, so you can be confident that our carers are able to provide an outstanding level of care and support for your loved one while you’re away.

Your respite carer is there to support you with all the things that you normally do. They can live in your home or attend on a visiting basis – your care plan will be tailored completely to you and your needs. Whenever you need a break, Helping Hands are here to help. We have professionally trained, dedicated carers on standby and ready to provide temporary support for you whenever you might need it.

Find out more about receiving care

Unforeseen circumstances or short-term requirements are no reasons for you to be without the care that you need.  Give our Richmond team a call today on 02035530348 and one of our friendly advisors can help you plan a much-needed break to enjoy some quality ‘you’ time – we are available to take your call 7 days a week.