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Providing specialist support for independent living

With social care budgets facing increasing pressure, live-in care is becoming increasingly popular as a lower cost alternative to residential care.

Live-in care from Helping Hands is a full-time home care solution that enables people to live in their own homes, supported by a fully trained assistant who works to an individual support plan. As the support is completely tailored and outcomes based, individuals can retain their independence and make choices about how they want to live their lives.

We work closely with social and health care professionals, including over 70 local authorities, to deliver support aimed at independent living, improved quality of life, medical or post-operative rehabilitation, and end-of-life, or palliative care, at home.

To find out more about Health and Social Care Integration, please click here.

Why care professionals choose Helping Hands

We are currently working on a number of partnership projects with transition and adult social care teams, focused on moving people out of residential care.

Care professionals choose Helping Hands because:

  • We employ and manage all of our carers directly
  • We guarantee cover – under no circumstances will there be a need for emergency respite care
  • We provide a 24-hour fully managed service, and have an emergency team permanently on call
  • We ensure continuity of care – our live-in placements typically last for several weeks
  • We provide national coverage across the whole of  England and Wales, supported with an extensive network of regional managers and local care service managers
  • We offer a cost-effective alternative to residential care
  • We provide a person-centred model of care
  • We have years of experience working with healthcare professionals and multiple funding streams
  • We employ highly trained and educated carers – over half of our live-in carers are degree qualified or above
  • With an extensive pool of over 2,000 carers, we’re able to take great care in matching the customer with a fully trained carer who has similar likes and interests and is a good personality ‘fit’
  • We respond effectively and efficiently to get care in place quickly – sometimes within 24 hours or less
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I worked closely with Helping Hands on a very complex case. We did achieve the outcome we wanted for the patient after such a long period of hospitalisation and complex health needs. The return to his home was very important for him. Helping Hands were key in that discharge.

I’m becoming a bit of an advocate for Helping Hands as I know the service they provide has the patient at the heart of everything they do, and that shows.

Michelle Abrahams, Continuing Healthcare (CHC) practitioner

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Helping Hands supports younger people (from age 18 upwards) with many varying conditions, including learning disability, acquired brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Our carers can support people with very high-level needs – such as PEG feeding, stoma care, hoisting and supporting with medication. They can also provide companionship, plus support at work, home and university.

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We’re here seven days a week to talk through your home care needs and find the best option for you. Call 03300376958 or request a callback and we will call you.

Young adult with his carer

Nursing care

Supporting independent living, whatever your care needs

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Our carers

What makes our carers and support workers so special

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Audrey bonds with a Helping Hands personal care assistant


What our customers say about our home care

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I’m becoming a bit of an advocate for Helping Hands as I know the service they provide has the patient at the heart of everything they do, and that shows.

Michelle Abrahams, CHC practitioner

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