Remaining at home is becoming a much more preferable way to receive palliative care in Enfield, thanks to the compassionate and highly trained Helping Hands carers who can make you and your loved ones feel comforted during such a difficult time. Hearing ‘palliative care’ can understandably make people think the end of life is approaching, but palliative care can sometimes go on for many years before a condition significantly deteriorates. This means that the intervening time will give medical practitioners an opportunity to treat life-limiting conditions with a variety of medications that will hopefully give the person precious extra time. Because our carers can come to you on either a visiting or live-in basis there are lots of options for care at home, meaning you get to remain in the place you love, surrounded by the people, pets and possessions that mean the world to you. Explore live in care in Enfield.
When the palliative pathway is reaching its conclusion and medical staff are satisfied that they have exhausted all possible treatment options you may begin the final part of the palliative pathway, which is end of life care. End of life care is usually referred to when your condition has significantly deteriorated that you only have a few weeks or days of life left. Naturally, this is a stressful and upsetting time for all those around you but knowing that they’ll be emotionally supported through the difficult days will hopefully bring some comfort to you. The fact that you are able to be surrounded by the people who mean the world to you is another reason to remain in your own home for palliative care, as well as the feel of a precious pet on your knee or at your side.
Perhaps you have a beloved garden and would like to be able to see it still, or you want to watch your grandchildren playing; by remaining in your own home you and your family call the shots and decide who you see and when, rather than being beholden to visiting rules in a hospital or elsewhere. Our dedicated Enfield home care team will work tirelessly to ensure that you are always at the centre of your care journey and that your holistic needs are being taken care of at all times, and because our highly trained carers are experienced in many different conditions they will know exactly how best to care for you. You will have a bespoke package of care designed for you and a personalised support plan that will detail your day-to-day care so that your routines and preferences are respected at all times. Also, because Helping Hands are fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission and Care Inspectorate Wales, you can have the highest confidence in our ability to deliver exemplary standards of care at all times.
If you would like to learn more about palliative or end of life care in Enfield, talk to our friendly customer care specialist team today. They’re available seven days a week to advise you about your care options – alternatively contact us via our website and we’ll be happy to call you back.