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Posted on 22nd January 2019.

Live-in care can help with domestic tasks Live-in carers are at the heart of providing continuous, round-the-clock care. And while that does mean supporting with practical activities such as helping with medication or personal care, there’s more to live-in care than that.

Did you know that live-in carers can also support with the everyday tasks around your house? This is just one of the other areas that a live-in carer can help with.

Domestic duties to keep your home clean and tidy

You’ve probably heard the expression, “your home is your castle”, but it isn’t always easy to keep it spick-and-span. Sometimes, keeping on top of tasks like vacuuming or polishing can be forgotten about, especially if you’re juggling other commitments.

But you don’t have to worry!

Your live-in carer can carry out these tasks for you, leaving you to focus on what is truly important; resting and keeping on top of your other duties.

Clean and ironed laundry

A mountainous pile of laundry can be enough to overwhelm anyone. And ironing your clothes for the week can seem like just as laborious a job.
Emptying the washing machine

If you’re finding it hard to find space in your schedule for laundry and ironing, live-in carers can take away that stress. It could be that you’re finding it hard to keep up with a schedule or have difficulties changing the bedding. Or you might just need help putting things back in their rightful place after they’ve been through the washing machine or tumble dryer.

From handwashing delicate items to taking the washing out to dry in the sunshine, you can rely on a live-in housekeeper to make sure you always have clean clothes and bedding when you need it.

And because the amount of laundry can change with each week, your live-in carer will help you decide which items need to be prioritised (i.e. is it just bedding that needs cleaning or are specific clothes going to be needed?) and washed ready for when you need them.

Keeping up with meals and nutrition

Housekeepers trained in preparing meals All of us are probably guilty of missing the odd meal from time to time, however it can be dangerous if you’re consistently skipping breakfast or an evening meal, especially if you have specific dietary needs.

Live-in carers are able to prepare nutritious meals which are in keeping with these requirements and your personal tastes. They’ll also make sure that you have plenty of fluids throughout the day and suitable snacks at other times in between meals.

Though you might want to eat on your own, your live-in carer will always be happy to sit with you to provide some company or talk about your day. They can also make sure you’re safe when swallowing.

Even the way food is presented can be an important part of making sure you or a loved one are getting the nutrients you need. For instance, you might like your food arranged in a certain way on the plate or have a relative who finds it hard to distinguish between different food types.

And once you’ve enjoyed your meal, your live-in carer can take care of the washing-up or putting the dishwasher on to leave a clean area to enjoy next time.

Running errands or fetching shopping

Carer with shopping bag Going to the shops might not be something you automatically associate with live-in care. But when you’re cramming other duties into the day or find it hard to get out due to a medical condition, it can be incredibly challenging.

Whether it’s just going to the small shop on the corner of the street or a larger supermarket, your live-in carer can help you manage the shopping by accompanying you or helping you draw up a list of the items you need. Sometimes just having someone to push the trolley or carry the basket is all that’s needed, though your live-in carer will help with in any other way they can to make the trip easier.

We’ve all had moments in our lives when the little tasks we have to do throughout a day have got on top of us. They can be as simple as picking up medication from the pharmacy or keeping up with a regular medical appointment, and sometimes we just need someone to help take that pressure off us.

This is where your live-in carer comes in – they can support with taking you to the doctor or hospital appointments, as well as ensuring all your bills are paid and any important letters are taken care of. In short, a live-in carer is here to make your life less stressful and more manageable.

What can a live-in carer help you with?

Everyone will have their own unique routines and areas of their lives where they may not necessarily need help. However, a live-in carer is always there if you ever need some extra support or peace of mind.

Whether you’re looking into options for yourself or someone close to you, our care advisors are on hand to help you understand the process of live-in care and what it can help with. Speak to us today for more details about the tasks your live-in carer can carry out.

Cleo Canning
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