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Ailsa’s challenge

4.8 on
2,900+ reviews
Posted on 2nd August 2023.

Helping Hands customer Ailsa, who is supported by our Fareham branch, recently took part in the Parallel Windsor, a social enterprise to support those living with a disability in mainstream society. Ailsa has cerebral palsy and cannot walk without support, as her muscles stiffen and loosen in rapid succession, causing involuntary movements across her body.

Ailsa trained hard and built up her stamina and distance slowly so that she could walk a little further each time, and on the day of the race was apprehensive but determined to succeed. She was incredibly proud when she crossed the line and is determined to write a blog about her experience.

Ailsa said: ‘My legs were burning by the end of it, but I smashed it! I can’t even begin to describe the feeling of hitting my target … It just feels so amazing to have walked a kilometer!’

Another highlight of Ailsa’s day was meeting Ellie Simmonds, Paralympian Gold Medalist, and bypassing her target of raising £1000 for the British Ukrainian Aid charity.

Sarah Franklin Content Writer
About Sarah joined Helping Hands in November 2016, working initially as a member of the Training and Development team due to her qualification in post-16 teaching. She has since moved into the Marketing team as a content writer, where she enjoys writing creatively for search and customer information. Read Sarah's full profile