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Helping Hands’ Dementia Champion attends Herefordshire Dementia Festival

4.8 on
3,450+ reviews
Posted on 2nd November 2022.

Sarah Franklin, Helping Hands Dementia Champion, attended the Dementia Matters Here(fordshire) Dementia festival, organised to bring together people living with dementia, their carers, and dementia professionals from the area.

In a supportive environment of sharing knowledge, fun, and activities, people were able to speak to organisations such as Alzheimer’s Research UK, local care homes, young carers’ support groups, and many more. Local artist Gemma Moore demonstrated the work she’d been doing helping people living with dementia to express themselves through art, while singing for the brain groups ‘Me and Him’ and ‘Singplicity’ united attendees in song.

Coral Lemm, Community Development Officer for Dementia Matters Here(fordshire), said “I would like to thank all who attended our Dementia Festival. We couldn’t have achieved such a positive outcome/experience for those from the community without the support of the 60 professionals supporting the event.”

Sarah Franklin
About Sarah Sarah joined Helping Hands in November 2016, working initially as a member of the Training and Development team due to her qualification in post-16 teaching. She has since moved into the Marketing team as a content writer, where she enjoys writing creatively for search and customer information.