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Posted on 3rd January 2013.

Often human rights are only seen as relevant to people being deported or as an overseas matter. Contrary to this belief human rights are applicable to everyone and in every walk of life, including health and social care.

The actual spending of the new monies for providing better adult social care which also has a health benefit, will need to be agreed between the local authority and the clinical commissioning groups (CCG).

The CCGs are responsible for commissioning health related services for its catchment population.

This is a welcome news for both care providers, commissioners and people who receive services. This will allow better integration of health and social care services. In the past  the the transfer has supported services such as re-ablement and the interface between hospitals and care services.

People in receipt of home care services have often found themselves caught between the structural boundaries of health and social care and have resulted in not receiving appropriate services or receiving inadequate or delayed services.

Further directions on the transfer and detailed allocations will be issued in the new year.

Sally Tomkotowicz
About Sally